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The fragrant charm of fried pork in Ecuador

The fragrant charm of fried pork in Ecuador
Fritada or fried pork, is a typical dish from Ecuador that is prepared with pork in a container called a paila, where it begins to brown with its own fat.

Fritada or fried pork, is a typical dish from Ecuador that is prepared with pork in a container called a paila, where it begins to brown with its own fat.

Fritada is a typical dish from Ecuador that is prepared with pork in a container called a paila, where it begins to brown with its own fat.

This Ecuadorian food has even been positioned as one of the best dishes prepared with pork worldwide according to the gastronomic portal Taste Atlas.

The way to prepare the fry is very different from other combinations, it is cooked in plenty of water and orange juice with cumin, garlic, onion, salt and pepper until the water has been completely consumed.

Afterwards the meat begins to brown in its own fat which gives it that special touch of flavor.

If fried in a bronze pot or frying pan over the flames, and once cooked it is accompanied with “mote (white corn)”, “onion sauce”, avocado, roasted potatoes, “chifles (fried green plantain in thin slices” and fried ripe plantains.

History of the Ecuadorian Fritada or Fried Pork

To know the history of fritada we must go back to the colonial era, a time in which there was an important and transcendental cultural mix.

One of them was in the culinary field, which would remain intact in current times.

It is said that fritada was born in the 19th century; some point out that it was in the beginning and others claim that it was in the middle.

The point is that the colonizers brought with them many animals and consumable products, including the pig, which adapted very well to the regions.

The Europeans instilled in the Native Americans confit, a culinary trick that is based on cooking the animal as a first step and then frying it using its own fat.

The natives had no difficulty in doing it and ended up practicing it frequently.

As time went by, they added local ingredients to the pork, such as potatoes, mote and corn.

Read also: The potato soup, history, tradition and culture of Ecuador

This dish became very recognized in the region that we know today as Ecuador, and it is said that in the mid-20th century the recipe managed to spread throughout the territory thanks to internal migrations.

Fritada remained an ancestral dish that is still prepared by all Ecuadorian families today.

Benefits of Ecuadorian Fritada or Fried Pork

High protein content

Frying is an excellent source of protein, thanks to the pork used as the main ingredient.

Proteins are essential for our body, as they help us build and repair tissues, strengthen our immune system and keep us fuller for longer.

The fry is rich in nutrients

Fried food is also rich in essential nutrients for our body.

The potatoes and vegetables included in the fry provide a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and fiber.

Benefits for cardiovascular health

Contrary to what you might think, frying can have benefits for our cardiovascular health.

Fritada uses lean pork, which means it has a lower saturated fat content compared to other fried dishes.

The Ecuadorian Fritada is enjoyed at Achiote Ecuador Cuisine
The Ecuadorian Fritada is enjoyed at Achiote Ecuador Cuisine

To enjoy an exquisite fried food, what better way to visit the Achiote Ecuador Cuisine Restaurant, where we prepare this typical Ecuadorian dish under strict quality standards to give the best flavor to this product.

Sources: Laylita | On slow heat | Ecuadorian Recipes | Cosmic well-being

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